Open illuminated manuscript with vivid medieval illustrations and decorative floral borders

Gaston Phoebus — The Hunting Book

A best seller, straight from the Middle Ages.

Medieval illustration of deer in a forest setting with colorful plants and rocks. Several deer are depicted, some with antlers, against a background of stylized trees and rocky landscape.
Medieval illustration of hunters on horseback pursuing a stag, accompanied by dogs, in a forest setting.

In the years 1387-1389, Gaston III, count of Foix and Báarn in the south of France, also known as “Phoebus”, after the Greek sun god, wrote his Livre de Chasse, or The Hunting Book.

This work is the most famous record of medieval hunting and a fascinating piece of cultural history, moreover it was used as a natural history text book well into the 19th century.

This magnificently painted, hand-written copy of the original text of The Hunting Book was commissioned by Duke Philip the Bold, brother of the bibliophile Duc de Berry.

Blue notebook with gold fleur-de-lis pattern and cream spine

Right from the beginning, The Hunting Book was a great success. The courts of France and Burgundy realised that it was more than a study of nature; and indeed it was considered a work of art that inspired painters and writers for many generations.

Its 128 folios contain extraordinary miniatures. Their bright and fresh colours on the sumptuous, gold grounds present sensitive and subtle painting techniques. The generous layout of the paintings in The Hunting Book and their particular effect of depth are reminiscent of exquisite tapestries.

Vintage book with blue cover and fleur-de-lis pattern

Eighty seven vivid miniatures, richly ornate with gold leaf and brush gold, 126 imaginative large initials, as well as abundant scrollwork made of shining golden, red and blue foliage make the 128 folios a perfect background for the whole splendour of the French Gothic period. Written in a wonderful, if not perfect textura script, the French text is clearly legible to this day.

Medieval manuscript illustration of a dog kennel with people and dogs, decorated with ornate borders.

Gaston Phoebus –
The Hunting Book facsimile edition
is published in the format of 385 x 286mm, and is strictly limited to 980 hand-numbered copies.

The binding is modelled on a blue silk binding from the library of King Louis XII. The fine silk was especially woven for this purpose and embroidered with golden lilies, the emblem of the French royal dynasty. The spine of the volume is perfected and covered in parchment.

Medieval manuscript illustration depicting a feast with people seated around a table in a garden setting, surrounded by detailed decorative border and text.
Medieval manuscript illustration of deer grazing under trees on a decorated blue background.

The volume also contains a complete transcription and translation of the French text so that today’s readers may immerse themselves in the aristocratic culture of the Middle Ages.

Medieval artwork depicting a vet treating a dog's paw, with people and animals in colorful attire and a decorative background.

Yves Christe (Geneva), Antoine d’Escayrac-Lauture (Kasteeel Westerlo), William Voelkle (New York) and François Avril (Paris) present a comprehensive historic and art-historic analysis of the work in the insightful commentary volume.

Both the facsimile and the commentary volumes are presented in a protective case of acrylic glass.

Medieval illustration of a man leaning over a flame, wearing a blue tunic and red leggings, set against a decorative, floral-patterned background.
Medieval illustration of a fox with wings and tongue out amid foliage.